Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility




Starting date

January 2024


2 weeks


English (BR)

About the course

The ethics and corporate social responsibility discipline deals with organisational and personal values and their expression in business decision-making and behaviour. The ethics realm includes voluntarily adopted and mandated business codes of ethics, related legal and regulatory imperatives, corporate governance, whistle-blower protections and ethics training. The sustainability field includes traditional corporate philanthropy and volunteerism, but also encompasses broader initiatives that leverage the intersection between business interests and societal good. In this module we will discuss Ethics and Sustainability in Human Resources Management (HRM), as well as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Contents - Topics

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Understand the importance of the ethics code.
  • Differentiate between SHRM and Sustainable HRM.
  • Recognise Corporate Social Responsibility.
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This course is addressed to

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  • HR Managers
  • Talent Recruiters and Trainers
  • HR Departments' Employees