Multi-generational Workforce




Starting date

January 2024


2 weeks


English (BR)

About the course

Work is ageless. It's on companies to help age-diverse teams discover their best selves by creating the conditions for collaboration and knowledge exchange. To attract and retain all ages, some companies are getting creative, carving out new career paths, flexible benefits and ways for generations to share intelligence. In this course we will discuss how building a Multi-generational Workforce can benefit your organisation. 

Contents - Topics

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Understand why companies nowadays commit to including age diversity into their corporate agenda.
  • Acknowledge the respective strengths and assets of each generation of employees, which make them powerful additions to your workforce.
  • Define the similarities and differences of each generation of employees to create the most optimal working conditions to retain them.
Write your awesome label here.

This course is addressed to

Write your awesome label here.
  • HR Managers
  • Talent Recruiters and Trainers
  • HR Departments' Employees