Internal Recruiting




Starting date

January 2024


2 weeks


English (BR)

About the course

Internal recruiting has made its comeback in the recent years. By utilising the current employees in order to fill other open roles within the organisation has proven beneficial for both the organisation and its employees. Of course, for a company to succeed in the employee transition from one role to another, a strategic approach is needed as to acknowledge the barriers that hinder the process as well as surpass them.

Contents - Topics

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define internal recruiting.
  • Recognise the benefits of proceeding with internal recruiting.
  • Acknowledge the challenges that obstruct the implementation of internal recruiting.
  • Construct a successful internal recruiting proccess.
Write your awesome label here.

This course is addressed to

Write your awesome label here.
  • HR Managers
  • Talent Recruiters and Trainers
  • HR Departments' Employees