Preparing the Job Description




Starting date

January 2024


2 weeks


English (BR)

About the course

A job description plays an important role in attracting a candidate. Its structure along with the information contained within it can determine the efficiency (or lack of it) in attracting the right talents. Therefore, it is important to emphasise on the way a job description is presented in order to set the foundations for a successful recruitment process. In this module we will focus on writing a job description.

Contents - Topics

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Identify a job description's components.
  • Acknowledge the elements of a well-written job description.
  • Differentiate a good job description from a poorly-written one.
  • Understand the importance of a good job description.
Write your awesome label here.

This course is addressed to

Write your awesome label here.
  • HR Managers
  • Talent Recruiters and Trainers
  • HR Departments' Employees