Talent Search, Screening and Shortlisting




Starting date

January 2024


2 weeks


English (BR)

About the course

Recruiting the right candidate for a job can enhance a company's productivity. Therefore, it's a process that requires specific organisational skills in order to find the right talent. From searching or attracting a future employee to finally recruiting them, the whole process demands utilising methods and tools that can be time-saving and, most importantly, effective. In this module we will focus on the screening and shortlisting of candidates during the recruitment process.

Contents - Topics

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Describe the talent searching process
  • Identify various recruitment methods and tools.
  • Define the screening and shortlisting.
  • Acknowledge the elements of a successful screening and shortlisting process.
  • Understand how to conduct an assessment process of the candidates in accordance with your company's needs.
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This course is addressed to

Write your awesome label here.
  • HR Managers
  • Talent Recruiters and Trainers
  • HR Departments' Employees