Fundamentals of Room Service Operations


Online Course

Starting date

October 2024




40 - 60 minutes

About the course

The concept of room service involves the daily care of guest areas and ensuring high-quality service. Room cleanliness is a key factor for guest satisfaction. Well-implemented cleaning policies, combined with efficient practices, enhance the guest experience. Additionally, room service plays an important role in guest satisfaction by offering various services that aim for optimal service delivery. In this course, the advantages and disadvantages of these services are analyzed, aiming to improve the overall guest experience.

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Contents - Topics

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Recognize the importance of cleanliness in hotels and its impact on guest satisfaction.
  • Understand various cleaning techniques and how they contribute to maintaining high hygiene standards in the hotel.
  • Apply the basic principles of room service effectively.
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of room service.
  • Design improved cleaning practices to maximize efficiency.
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This course is addressed to

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  • Hotel employees